Saturday, May 3, 2008

Crafting + Geek = Craft Crossover

This post is all about the show that is Futurama. My husband and I have already purchased the movie "Bender's Big Score" and watched it a few times. The next movie is set to go on sale this summer and we can't wait! Until then, I thought I would highlight a few craftsters who know how to put two and two together and make something totally awesome.

Here is a needle-felted brain slug made by craftster krissykat:

The brainslugs show up in a couple of Futurama episodes. Perhaps most notably the episode in "Raging Bender" where Bender becomes a wrestler. Hermes sports a brain slug the majority of the show after taking a trip to the brain slug planet.

Next comes a couple of cute crochet critters from craftster artoo1121:
Lt. Kiff Kroker

Of course these characters are standard in the show but the crochet replica's are 100% awesome. Even better, both crafter's are Etsians too! You can visit krissykat at MorbidlyCute and artoo1121 at GeekCentralStation. I am totally a fan of Craftster and Etsy. They have done wonders for the crafting community.

(Edit: I totally should have looked at the GeekCentral Station's blog. My husband popped over there and found this post which included a Spice Weasel Pattern. "Bam")

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