Saturday, July 5, 2008

Moving Stuff and Tour de Fleece 2008

My goodness. I have been a bad bad blogger of late. I tried so hard to post 2 days and skip a day but I guess I'm not the natural writer I pretend to be. I'm quite sure that it has a lot to do with being wrapped up in other aspects of life that aren't virtual. (Why oh why do I have to tend to the none virtual parts. Can't it just care for itself!) Yesterday we did our first day's work over at the house we will be moving into. Mostly it was moving lots of discarded crap that was left in the backyard for months. I think the worst part of it was the heavy metal table and the old wooden kitchen cabinet. Oh, and probably the fact that the temperature hit 101 degrees yesterday. If we had stayed out there any longer we would have suffered from some major dehydration. Luckily, just minor dehydration regardless of the fact that we were constantly stopping to drink Powerade. Tomorrow, if it isn't raining we are going back out to figure out how to rake up the leaves and remaining crap in the yard. Plus, there is a lot of weeds and overgrown twiggy roots that need to be pulled up. My father-in-law's solution, of course, is to spray weed killer and give it a day to work. *shrugs* Whatever makes it a little easier I guess. This yard (and house) was kept in horrible condition so it will require lots of long term hard work.


Now on to some fiber related fun. Today is the first day of the 2008 Tour de Fleece. I have never worked up the courage to sign up for this since it was started. (I believe it's in its 3rd year.) I just don't do well with challenges on a personal level. I get too sidetracked by shiny, sparkly things. For instance, when I started to knit my first pair of socks it took me a year to finish them. Well, it took me eleven months to finish the first one and one month for the second sock. However, I always think this is an interesting challenge. Each year there is a specific challenge that is offered up. (This year its spinning from your stash.) But you can also set your own goal as you see fit. The spinner would then spin everyday that the tour is running through July 27th. There are some rest days where the riders don't have to ride but spinners can still treadle along if they want. The end result would be that the spinner has achieved the challenge set for themselves by the time the Tour de France is completed.
*sighs* I think I will wait another year..... then maybe I will join in the fun.

1 comment:

Alpaca Granny said...

Sounds like you are incredibly busy. Would be way more fun to spin that to clean though.