Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fiber not Yarn...

...because we all get tired of talking about the same thing over and over and I plan to do a lot of yarn talk this month with spinning everyday.

So here are the first two batts I carded on my new (old) carder. Well, not the first but the first I plan to put in the store. The batts are purple-ish pink and have gold glitz and sari silk in them.

My other fiber treat is a picture of my washed cheviot fleece. I purchased this sometime last year but I just sorted it this week. This is some of the nicer, crimper fleece washed up in hot water. There is still a little vegetable matter in it but I'm hoping to work through that with additional processing. I think I will take some and carder it up bit to spin. The carder is coarse cloth but I think it should be enough to open up the locks before spinning.

Hopefully I will have more to post later today but now I must go watch a soccer game!

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