Friday, January 1, 2010

My Husbands New Years Resolutions

I love my husband and he is very silly sometimes. Here is his resolutions list he posted throughout the day on Facebook. Enjoy!

News Years Resolution...No more bottles of cheap red wine($3 - $5 bottle)....Now only the finest most expensive red wine($7 - $10 a bottle)!!

New Years Resolution #2...Losing weight ( I figure if I cut out fruits and veggies I can increase my cake/pies/sweets intake and still lose weight!!)

New Years Resolution #3...Better organization(This means taller neater piles and less small messy piles of things)

New Years Resolution be more manly this year and stop buying no tears shampoo and no pull hair scrunchies!!

New Years Resolution #5...Since we have spent the last 10 years rightfully accused of miscegenation this is the year to go all the way and have a kid!!

I wish everyone out there a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

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