Thursday, September 3, 2009

So we meet again... Everyday Yarn Challenge Sept 2009!

Last April I participated in the Yarn Everyday Challenge hosted by blondechicken on Ravelry. I found it to be really challenging and everyone's enthusiasm was contagious. While I wasn't quite able to make it to the end of the month, I really enjoyed seeing everyone's progress.

Fast forward to mid-August and I felt the urge for another spinning challenge. I started with one goal but feel that is best to revise it to spinning everyday with a total of 15 finished yarns by month end. Here is my first and second day's worth of spinning.

Other fiber artist on Ravelry you are more than welcome to join in the fun, just post in this Ravelry thread. You don't have to join the group, its just a place to share. Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier! =D

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